Visual Memory

A cartoon of Eyecare Kids' main mascot Max the Magician, holding a paintbrush

Visual Memory

A cartoon of Eyecare Kids' main mascot Max the Magician, holding a paintbrush

Visual Memory is the ability to look at and remember or recall information such as pictures, words and objects.

Visual memory is vital in the development of handwriting, reading and other functional tasks in school and in everyday life.

Signs and Symptoms of Poor Visual Memory May Include…

  • Difficulty with sight words and spelling skill
  • Taking longer to copy off the board

  • Poor reading comprehension

  • Difficulty remembering what they’ve read

Signs and Symptoms of Poor Visual Memory May Include…

  • Difficulty with sight words and spelling skill
  • Taking longer to copy off the board

  • Poor reading comprehension

  • Difficulty remembering what they’ve read

What Are Some of the Tests That Can Measure Visual Memory Skills?


Motor Free Vision Perception Test (MVPT)


Visual Span and Tachistoscope


Test of Visual Perception Skills (Gardner)


Getman Henderson Marcus Visual Recall test

Don’t be contented with just 20/20 Vision.

Make sure your kids’ eyes work as they should for optimal learning!

Danny the dragon

Don’t be contented with just 20/20 Vision.

Make sure your kids’ eyes work as they should for optimal learning!

Danny the dragon